
AI and cybersecurity are deeply interconnected, with artificial intelligence (AI) playing an increasingly important role in both defending against cyber threats and facilitating cyber attacks. As cyber threats continue to evolve and grow in sophistication, AI-powered solutions are being leveraged by both attackers and defenders to gain an edge in the cybersecurity landscape. On the defensive side, AI is being used to enhance threat detection, incident response, and vulnerability management. Machine learning algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data from network traffic, system logs, and security events to identify patterns indicative of malicious activity. These AI-driven systems can detect anomalies, predict potential security breaches, and provide early warnings to security teams, enabling them to respond quickly and proactively to emerging threats. Furthermore, AI-powered security tools can automate routine cybersecurity tasks, such as patch management, malware analysis, and security policy enforcement, freeing up human analysts to focus on more complex and strategic aspects of cybersecurity defense. This automation not only improves operational efficiency but also helps organizations stay ahead of rapidly evolving cyber threats. However, while AI holds great promise for enhancing cybersecurity defenses, it also presents new challenges and risks. Cyber attackers are increasingly leveraging AI techniques, such as machine learning and natural language processing, to launch more sophisticated and targeted cyber attacks. For example, AI-powered malware can evade traditional security measures by adapting its behavior in real-time or by masquerading as legitimate software. Moreover, the proliferation of AI-generated deepfake videos and audio poses significant challenges for digital authentication and identity verification, potentially undermining trust and security in online communication and transactions.